
🔍 Passions:

I am deeply passionate about Big Data, Remote Sensing and Geomorphology, Biodiversity Conservation, and Indigenous Archaeology and Education. I actively seek opportunities to make impact in these spaces.


🌍 Remote Sensing Geomorphology Project:

For specific information related to my ongoing remote sensing geomorphology project, please direct your inquiries to Connect@projectshiftingsands.com. I'm excited to share insights and exchange ideas with fellow professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts passionate about the intersection of technology and earth sciences.

🤝 Open to Collaboration:

If you're interested in collaboration opportunities or have a project that aligns with my skills and interests, please feel free to reach out to me at Hello@borisut.com. I'm always eager to explore new partnerships and initiatives that make a positive impact.

Contact me for collaboration.


Email: Hello@borisut.com


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